The Oklahoma Alpaca Show had three judges this year. Polly Michaelis – Fleece, Male Huacaya (gray through light). Kevin O’Leary – Female Huacaya (gray through light), and Huacaya Production. David Barboza – All Suri classes, Suri Production, Huacaya Male & Female (white & multi), and Performance.
Riccardo’s crias sweep the Oklahoma Alpaca Show!
The highlight for this alpaca show is when we won 2 blue ribbons at the same time in two different rings! Walnut Creek Antonio won blue in the brown adult male class at the same time BF Scarlett won blue in the brown adult female class. It gets better because both alpacas went back in for championship and both won Color Champion in their classes at the same time! When Dave called to tell me I about fell over!
The Oklahoma show this year was our first time to show in the Get of Sire class. We brought 3 of Riccardo’s babies which included BF Cleopatra, Walnut Creek Cate, and AJ’s Peruvian Banderais. BF Riccardo won 2nd place in the Get of Sire for his crias! They probably would have won 1st place but Cate’s furry face put them in second.
This year was also our first time to show in the Breeders Best Three class. We brought 3 of BF Riccardo’s babies which included Walnut Creek Antonio, Walnut Creek Cate, and AJ’s Peruvian Banderais. Our farm received a 1st place ribbon for Breeder’s Best Three and Antonio won 1st Place in Bred and Owned Yearling!! They were all BF Riccardo’s crias so we were very excited to see Riccardo receive such high recognition of what he produces.
All in all it was a great show. All of our alpacas placed and showed very well. BF Riccardo’s crias did fantastic! Dave came back with an armful of ribbons!
For show results and more visit A-OK’s website at Alpaca Blastoff.