Our alpaca barn needed a break! Other alpaca owners contacted us asking what they can do about their alpacas messing up their barn. Some people put down different flooring in their barn to help keep it clean. We tried sand, chat and river gravel to name a few. Filling in the barn floor helps but we found something that greatly improved the dirty barn situation.
Our solution was to use tarp tents and rotate the alpacas from the alpaca barn to the tents. We’ve used the pop up tents, from Wal-Mart, in the past but the wind catches them and they tear up too quick. Our new tents are much more heavy duty. The wind doesn’t catch them so they can stand much higher winds than the pop up tents. In fact the only time we take them down is when it snows in the winter otherwise we use them year round.
We bought our tents at Cover Me Tarps and Canopies. We purchased two of the Classic High Pitch Tarp Tents, 10 x 10 with the tubing. We placed them end to end and put two hay troughs under them. They worked great so went back and bought two more. Just in case if you were wondering… we’re not getting a kick back from this company. We found something that works and their product is of excellent quality so we thought we’d pass the info along.