Usually when we change a name before we register a cria with the ARI I don’t announce it but this is a little different. Everyone loves the little rose grey alpaca at our farm and everyone knows him as Joshua. Dave changed his name to Julio so now our boy is Walnut Creek Julio.
Everyone that comes out to our farm is wanting to buy him. His rose grey color is a rare color and combine that with an extremely fine fleece plus the brightness with a consistant crimp throughout his fleece then throw in the cute factor… well I’ve decided to not to sell him at this time. We’ll be taking Julio to the shows starting this fall.
We just sheared Julio and he is still an absolutely gorgeous boy. I’ll have to get some pictures of him so you can see his beautiful rose grey color that was hiding underneath the brown.
Julio is out of my foundation girl Autumn Starbright and sired by Masterpiece Aslan… a winning combination!!!