Pressure canner cookerMy pressure canner cooker finally arrived. I’m so excited about getting started canning. It’s one heavy duty cooker and I’m proud to say it’s made in the USA! You’ll never guess the name of this pressure cooker… it’s the All American Canner Cooker, what a great name.
I’m not cooking alpaca today… actually Dave helped me pick our Italian green beans. We had two sacks full by the time we got done picking not to mention a few chiggers too. I washed the green breans and then went to snapping them. They were so fresh… they were snappy beans!Snapped green beansI was a little nervous since it was my first time canning. I had to keep referring to the directions. I wanted to make sure I did everything right. It’s really not that difficult to can. It’s only difficult if you don’t fully know what you’re doing and that’s about where I was at. 😉
I actually did it… look how beautiful my green beans turned out. Dave kept looking at the jars in total amazement. He couldn’t believe I did it because he knows how much I don’t care for cooking. We picked more green beans and all in all we ended up with 19 pint jars of green beans. Our plants are still flowering so there’s a good chance we’ll have to pick more soon.My canned green beans
I have to say I really enjoyed canning. It’s not quite like cooking. With canning you have something that will last a long time plus when I do cook I’ll have more choices and hopefully it will make cooking easier. Also it’s good to prepare for the future because you never know what the future will hold. I’m ready to find something else I can can! lol 🙂