On Google Maps

Walnut Creek Alpacas now has a business listing on google maps.

For directions and a map from your home town
click on this link to Google Maps then type in Walnut Creek Alpacas


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We are located just 10 minutes south of Talihina by the small town of Albion.

From Talihina:
Take 271 S out of Talihina to Albion

In Albion, you will see an old grocery store:
After the store turn Right on Mell and just follow the map below

alpaca farm map & directions

Our alpaca farm is the only one on the left.
You will see our gate before you get to Walnut Creek.

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Visitors Welcome!

We look forward to having you stop by for a visit to see the alpacas.
Just call to let us know when you are coming.

alpaca farm

Southeast Oklahoma is beautiful!

Contact us

Thank you!

Visit Walnut Creek's Blog to see what we're up to and for the latest news.

New T-shirts!

Cute Alpaca Shirt

Visit Walnut Creek's t-shirt page for more info...  read more

Featured Stud

Classic Peruvian Magic

Classic Peruvian Magic an 8x Champion with an elite fine fleece...  read more


Alpaca Breeding BookBreeding Book

Alpaca Picture BookPicture Book

Alpaca Coat for RubyChildren's Book

Visit our alpaca books reference page for more information.

Dave & Karen Galbraith
P.O. Box 820
Talihina, Oklahoma 74571

Thank you for visiting our farm site!
